Repayments - Webhook Payload Documentation
Webhook Payload Documentation
This document outlines the structure and examples of the payloads received by three key webhooks in the Kona Finance system:
- FacilityRepay Notification
- PaymentAllocation Notification
- RepaymentInstallment Status Change Notification
General Webhook Payload Structure
All webhook notifications include the following general structure:
"created_at": "<ISO8601 timestamp>",
"event": "<string>",
"payload": { ... }
: The timestamp when the webhook notification was created.event
: The type of event triggering the webhook (e.g.,facility_repay_created
: The specific details of the event.
1. FacilityRepay Notification
A FacilityRepay
represents a payment received by our platform, signifying that a specific amount has been deposited into the designated bank account. Upon receiving the payment, a FacilityRepay
object is created to initiate the repayment process. Subsequently, PaymentAllocation
objects are generated to associate the FacilityRepay
with corresponding RepaymentInstallments
, ensuring that the repayment is accurately tracked and allocated.
Event Types:
Payload Structure:
"created_at": "<ISO8601 timestamp>",
"event": "<string>",
"payload": {
"facility_repay_uuid": "<string>",
"status": "<string>",
"gross_amount": "<decimal as string>",
"net_amount": "<decimal as string>",
"receipt_status": "<string>"
Example Payload:
"created_at": "2025-01-03T10:00:00Z",
"event": "facility_repay_created",
"payload": {
"facility_repay_uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"status": "pending",
"gross_amount": "1000.00",
"net_amount": "950.00",
"receipt_status": "not_paid"
The possible statuses are: pending
, in_progress
, completed
and failed
The possible receipt statuses are: not_paid
, downloaded
, sent
and error
2. PaymentAllocation Notification
Event Type:
Payload Structure:
"created_at": "<ISO8601 timestamp>",
"event": "<string>",
"payload": {
"facility_repay_uuid": "<string>",
"repayment_installment_uuid": "<string>",
"amount_allocated": "<decimal as string>",
"penalty_applied": "<decimal as string>"
Example Payload:
"created_at": "2025-01-03T10:05:00Z",
"event": "payment_allocation_created",
"payload": {
"facility_repay_uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"repayment_installment_uuid": "456e7890-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174111",
"amount_allocated": "500.00",
"penalty_applied": "50.00"
3. RepaymentInstallment Status Change Notification
Event Type:
Payload Structure:
"created_at": "<ISO8601 timestamp>",
"event": "<string>",
"payload": {
"installment_uuid": "<string>",
"repayment_schedule": {
"repayment_schedule_uuid": "<string>",
"is_active": "<boolean>"
"fixed_amount": "<decimal as string>",
"due_date": "<ISO8601 date as string or null>",
"installment_number": "<integer>",
"status": "<string>",
"last_payment_date": "<ISO8601 date as string or null>",
"present_value": "<decimal as string>",
"total_paid_in_progress": "<decimal as string>",
"total_paid": "<decimal as string>",
"is_fully_paid": "<boolean>",
"pending_amount": "<decimal as string>"
Example Payload:
"created_at": "2025-01-03T10:10:00Z",
"event": "installment_status_changed",
"payload": {
"installment_uuid": "789e0123-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174222",
"repayment_schedule": {
"repayment_schedule_uuid": "456e7890-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174111",
"is_active": true
"fixed_amount": "1200.00",
"due_date": "2025-01-15",
"installment_number": 3,
"status": "partially_paid",
"last_payment_date": "2025-01-02",
"present_value": "1000.00",
"total_paid_in_progress": "200.00",
"total_paid": "800.00",
"is_fully_paid": false,
"pending_amount": "400.00"
The possible statuses are: paid
, partially_paid
and not_paid
Updated about 2 months ago